Concrete Central and Construction
Concrete plants and the construction industry require the use of many different weighing applications. We can list the prominent ones as follows:
- Belt scales: Belt scales are mounted on conveyor belts to measure the weights on the belt. It works automatically and calculates the load carrying rates and weights, taking into account the speed of the belt. It can report with date information such as shift, day, month, year and helps to track productivity.
- Dosing systems: These are systems that allow different materials to be weighed separately and filled into a single container at a predetermined dose.
- Truck scales: These are the scales that measure the own weight and the weight of the loads they carry, such as trucks and pickup trucks. There are models that are mounted on the floor and in the pit. Vehicles can go up to the platform part of the scales without the need for additional vehicles.
- Axle scales: These are scales with a light and easily portable structure, used to weigh the weight on the axles of trucks and pickup trucks. Weighing indicators can show the weights on the axles one by one and by taking their total.
- Mobile weighing systems: These are the systems that allow the loads to be measured while on the vehicles, thanks to the weighing applications integrated into the buckets, forklifts and pallet trucks.
- On-board weighing: These are weighing applications that allow instant and remote monitoring of loads by being mounted on road vehicles carrying loads.
- Crane scales and dynamometers: These are weighing applications that allow the loads to be measured while they are being lifted by cranes and similar systems, without the need to lower them to a separate platform. It is possible to measure the tension on the ropes and perform strength tests with dynamometers.
- Overload control systems: It is used to monitor overloads in load-bearing vehicles, including lifts and piers.
- Scales: The scales, which are produced optionally in various sizes and capacities, can measure different weights precisely from production to shipping.
Advantages of Weighing Applications in Concrte Central and Consruction Sectors
In addition to being a necessity, weighing applications help increase efficiency and reduce accident risks with the features they offer.
There is no need for additional measurements, thanks to their integration into or replacement of existing machines in business processes. Thus, time is saved and risks that may arise during loading and unloading of loads are prevented. In addition, automatic and mobile weighing systems reduce operating costs.
Please contact us to learn more about our weighing applications specially produced for concrete batching plants and construction, and our other solutions to meet your weighing needs.